Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

9 Cara untuk mencegah penyakit jantung

Sudah tidak diragukan lagi, olahraga teratur dan diet yang seimbang akan membantu meningkatkan kesehatan jantung. Tahukah Anda, masih ada fakta-fakta lain yang juga dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit ini. Beberapa di antaranya mungkin akan mengejutkan Anda!

Apa sajakah itu? Berikut ini adalah sembilan hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menyehatkan salah satu aset terpenting bagi kehidupan ini, jantung, dikutip dari laman She Knows.

1. Tertawa

Penelitian di University College di London mengatakan bahwa tawa hangat atau cekikikan juga mampu melemaskan dinding arteri, menyebabkan aliran darah meningkat sampai 45 menit. Dan karena tertawa itu menular, mengapa tidak berbagi lelucon dengan orang lain? Dosis tertawa harian yang disarankan untuk kesehatan jantung yaitu minimal 15 menit lamanya.

2. Mengingat kebahagiaan

Coba fokuslah pada saat-saat Anda pernah bahagia di masa lalu. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mengingat kembali kenangan yang menyenangkan akan membantu sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda secara kesehatan. Pada gilirannya akan memperkuat jantung Anda.

3. Bersyukur

Menurut studi yang diterbitkan dalam European Heart Journal melaporkan bahwa orang dewasa yang memiliki pandangan positif terhadap kehidupan, dengan sendirinya dapat mengurangi risiko terkena serangan jantung.

Mereka yang secara teratur merasa bersyukur untuk keadaan hidup mereka atau mengungkapkan hal itu kepada orang lain, maka mereka memiliki kesempatan yang lebih baik untuk hidup lebih lama dan memiliki hidup yang lebih sehat.

4. Cokelat

Makanan cokelat mengandung polifenol, zat yang mengurangi radikal bebas yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sel. Harvard School of Public Health meneliti hampir 8.000 orang Amerika yang rata-rata usianya 65 tahun, selama lima tahun. Hasilnya, peneliti menemukan bahwa mereka yang makan cokelat hingga tiga kali sebulan selama hampir satu tahun tingkat risiko kematiannya menurun, dibandingkan yang tidak melahap cokelat.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

w/ dandy setiadi =))

oke, lama ga ngeblog, hari ini gue mau kenalin salah satu best friend gue~

Dandy Setiadi, XI A1
he's behind me

namanya Dandy Setiadi a.k.a kotak/ spongebob #peace ^_^v
pertama kali gue kenal dia tuh pas baru masuk smp kelas 7. awalnya emang ga terlalu deket, tapi ternyata takdir menyatukan kita untuk terus bersama dari kelas 7 sampe kelas 9 -_______-. dan naasnya lagi, ternyata di SMA ini gue pasti dan akan terus sekelas sama dandy lagi sampe gue lulus nanti, omaigad >,<. tapi karena dari SMP dulu sampe sekarang kita sekelas terus, dari yang awalnya cuma temen biasa bisa jadi sahabat kayak sekarang B-)

tapi kasian banget deh dia, tiap punya pacar ga pernah bertahan lama wkwkwk. paling lama tuh sama citra doang pas kelas 9, lebih dari 2 bulan (kalo ga salah, berarti bener -,-). semenjak di SMA nih ya, selalu aja putus setelah 1 bulanan (itu mah kelas 2 ketang -__-). malahan nih ya pernah kurang dari seminggu pacaran tapi udah putus ckck. dan semuanya emang karena setiap cewek yang dia pacarin ga pernah bisa ngertiin dia. ya emang udah takdir kali ya perjalanan cintanya ga pernah mulus, selalu aja ada rintangan yang menghalangi. sabar ya, cerita cintamu tak seindah cerita cinta diriku wkakakak.

tapi ya tetep aja dan, gue selalu berharap lo dapet pacar yang bisa ngertiin dan nerima lo apa adanya. kalo cewek yang lo incer ituga bisa tegas dalam hubungan, tinggalin aja. kalo cewek yang lo incer itu banyak yang ngincer juga, yaudah lepasin aja. tapi kalo cewek yang lo incer itu ternyata bisa saling ngerti each other baru perlahan lo raih hatinya. keep fighting okay :D

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Teh cap Poci, Tehnya Indonesia

seminggu ini dari tanggal 7-12 kelas 3 lg pada UAS dan kita anak kelas 1 ama kelas 2 diliburin ama sekolah. alhamdulillah. tapi bagi gue sih ga ada bedanya libur ama pas masuk sekolah. soalnya gue selalu pulang sore. yap, liburan gue kali ini diisi dengan kerja kelompok karena tugas2 kita udah deket ama deadlinenya tgl 14 maret. jd ya terpaksa kudu jakom terus.
nah hari ini kebetulan gue ada jadwal aerobic dari sekolah. dan rencananya abis pulang aerobic gue ama temen2 gue mau langsung ke rumah aul latihan kesenian. pas lagi jalan di maper dan ngelewatin alfamart maper, gue ngeliat...


dan gue berpikir "hemmm, kayaknya seger tuh"
berhubung gue lagi haus karena teriknya matahari dan karena...

harganya sangat sangat terjangkau oleh gue

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

50 Fakta Unik dan Gokil tentang SHINee

Oke,,sebelum SHINee comeback gue mau kasih 50 fakta tentang SHINee,, Sekali lagi ini Cuma buat have fun ajah.

1. Taemin suka diomelin sama Key gara-gara Taemin suka kedip-kedip kalau udah di depan kamera..*haha*
2. Key punya 3 item spongebob di kamarnya dan punya 5 tindikan di tubuhnya tapi lupa semua ada dimana aja
3. Taemin sering banget dapat hadiah yang mirip jamur, gara-gara rambutnya yang kaya jamur. Taemin menganggap Minho sang master plus guru PS (PlayStation), soalnya Minho lah yang ngajarin Taemin maen Winning Eleven,, *ntu permainan bola di PS
4. Key pernah seneng banget karena di kasih hadiah Kunci mobil sama fansnya, tapi setelah itu dia sadar, kalo itu cuma kunci dan gag ada mobilnya, Key akhirnya mikir, “Oh, mungkin karena namaku Key” LOL
5. Kalau 4 member SHINee itu cewe Onew bakalan ngajak Jonghyun buat kencan, tapi kalo dia yang jadi cewe dia bakalan ngajak Key buat jadi pacarnya. Tapi Key sendiri ogah ama Onew soalnya Key sukanya ama Taemin. wkwkwk

~Dr Seus

"Be who you are & say what you feel because those who mind don't matter & those who matter don't mind"

~Stirling Moss

“To achieve anything, you must be prepared to dabble on the boundary of disaster”

Salah Ngepost (?)

udah jadi kebiasaan gue selalu online sampe tengah malem. on twitter, facebook, ngeblog ama searching2 gitu. kebetulan tadi malem gue lg on facebook dan chat ama ka adri. sambil nungguin balesan dari dia ya udah gue iseng2 liat statusnya orang2 di Home-nya. dan gue nemuin status ini:

statusnya pa lucky tuh
ngakak + heran banget
kayaknya tuh status harusnya jadi wall ke orang, tapi salah tempat ngetiknya
eh pas gue ngomen baru deh si bapa "ngeh"
pertahankan pak!

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Hear Me Now

I left everything behind me
Searching for the strength I thought I
Had inside me
Left you behind
So lonely
Praying for the day that you would somehow find me

I was young
You were wrong
But I tried
I was strong
And the years that I have lost are all I see

All I can say
Is I am not afraid
Of the world that I have tried to push away
I fight everyday
But I am to blame
I am not innocent
But I am not afraid


If it's true that everything can be explained, there's a reason behind everything, means that there's a reason behind a reason too, so?

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Nothing is Impossible

lo emang mantan, tapi nothing impossible buat balikan sama gue ;;)

My Heart

ga ada satu orang pun yang tau tentang perasaan gue ini kecuali gue sama Tuhan, dan gue harap lo tau tanpa dikasih tau

Quotes Of This Day

"Orang yang luar biasa itu sederhana dalam ucapan, tetapi hebat dalam tindakan"

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

The Time

masih inget banget ama tanggal 12 agustus 2010, 6 bulan yg lalu. waktu itu lagi bulan puasa dan pasti aku bakalan bangun subuh2 buat makan sahur. dan sms dari kamu selalu nemenin waktu makan sahur aku. sampe akhirnya tanggal 12 itu kamu ngesms aku dan nyatain gimana perasaan kamu ke aku. sempet kaget juga sih, walaupun sebenernya aku udah tau gimana perasaan kamu lewat sinyal2 yg udah kamu kasih ke aku. tapi aku bilang ke kamu kalo aku bakal jawab nanti kalo aku udah yakin juga ama perasaan aku. akhirnya malemnya aku ngesms kamu dan bilang kalo aku juga sayang sama kamu. hubungan "pacaran" pun dimulai setelah aku ngejawab perasaan kamu. 1-2 bulan pertama hubungan kita masih baik karena hubungan kita masih baru berjalan. kamu anter-jemput aku tiap hari ke sekolah, makan bareng di kantin, ngobrol berdua juga. mulai bulan ketiga sampe hubungan kita udah ga sedeket dulu lagi. aku ngerasa jarak diantara kita semakin renggang. tapi kamu bilang ke aku kalo itu semua karena kamu sibuk ngurusin OSIS. tepat sehari sebelum hari jadi hubungan kita yg ke 4 bulan aku mulai ngasih peringatan sama kamu karena kamu cuek banget ama aku. aku nangis terus sampe akhirnya kamu ngeliat sendiri air mata aku jatuh. tapi tetep aja aku ga bisa

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick

She lives in a fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of the world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure the lens I told her
The angles were all wrong now
She's ripping wings off of butterflies

Keep your feet on the ground
When your head's in the clouds
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Go get you shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Paramore - Looking Up

Things are looking up, oh finally! 
I thought I'd never see the day when you smile at me. 
We always pull through 
oh when we try, 
I'm always wrong but 
you're never right. 
You're never right! 

Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep? 
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this! 
It's not a dream anymore! Ohhh.. 
It's not a dream anymore! 
It’s worth fighting for. 

Could have given up so easily 
I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me 
Taken for granted, 
most everything 
that I would have died for 
Just yesterday, 
Just yeterday. 

Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep? 
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this! 
It's not a dream anymore! Ohhh.. 
It's not a dream anymore! 
It’s worth fighting for. 

God knows the world 
doesn’t need another band, 
(whoo-oa, whooo-oa!) 
But what a waste it would’ve been!
(whoo-oa, whooo-oa!) 
I can't believe we almost hung it up!
(whoo-oa, whooo-oa!) 
We're just getting started (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!) 

Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep? 
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this! 
It's not a dream anymore! No, no 
It's not a dream anymore! no, no
It’s worth fighting for.

I can't believe we almost hung it up 
We're just getting started! 
(woah-ohohoh) x2

We're just getting started!
We're just getting started!


Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Paramore - The Only Exception

When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist

But darling,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk

Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream


You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Weslife - Safe

Hard to find a way to get through
It's a tragedy
Pulling at me like the stars do
You're like gravity
Even if the wind blows
It makes it hard to believe

How ya gonna love
How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real
And If you lost your way
I will keep you safe
We'll open up all the world inside
I see it come alive tonight
I will keep you safe

Doesn't even matter to you
To see what I can see
I'm crawling on the floor to reach you
I'm a wreck you see
When you're far from home now
Makes it hard to believe

So how ya gonna love
How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real

If you've lost your way
I will keep you safe
Well open up all your world inside
Til you come alive tonight
I will keep you safe

We all fall down
We all feel down
Cus rainy days and summer highs
The more we pray the more we feel alive

How ya gonna love
How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real
How ya gonna love
How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real

If you've lost your way
I will keep you safe
Well open up all your world inside
So you come alive tonight
I will keep you safe

Well I will keep you safe
I will keep you safe


Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Inilah 17 alasan indonesia sulit untuk menjadi negara maju didunia (wajib tau)


17. Harga Nyawa di Indonesia = Rp 20.000
Terjadi pada saat kasus pembentukan provinsi tapanuli, massa diberi 20.000 untuk berdemo dan untuk membunuh Ketua DPRDnya. Ada lagi kasus nyawa melayang cuma gara2 hutang 500 perak.

16. Percaya Batu Kobokan PONARI SWEAT
Kalo kekuatan supranatural dari batu emang segitu gedenya, ngapain berlomba lomba buat rumah sakit internasional ? toh biaya bangun satu rumah sakit bisa buat beli jutaan botol PONARI SWEAT !

15. Ramalan = ?
Liat aja tiap taun baru apa yang ada di infotainment, RAMAL RAMAL dan RAMAL. Tiap tahun baru heboh banget mikirin ramalan, ampe Mama Laurent, Ki Kusumo, Joko Bodo panen duit

14. Kelakuan Hewan Perwakilan Rakyat (ga salah ngetik) yang makin mirip hewan Liat aja kerjaan DPR saban hari ! cakar fraksi sana, cakar sini, koalisi sana, sentil fraksi ini. Kapan INDONESIA mau maju kalo terus begini ?

13. Dikibulin ama Aburizal Bakrie
Jadi Menko Kesra, Orang terkaya di Asia Tenggara, Punya ANTV, LATIVI alias tv0ne, Punya Esia, bakrie dll kok ngakunya keberatan untuk ganti rugi warga Porong? Bakrie kan punya developer, buat aja perumahan baru untuk warga porong! selesai kan ?.

12. Bangga banget sama yang namanya Jakarta
Patutkah kita bangga akan Ibukota Indonesia ini?. Kota Jakarta adalah kota metropolis yang di cap GAGAL oleh dunia luar. Bahkan kemacetan Jakarta sudah jadi bahan acara THE AMAZING RACE 2 ASIA AXN, dengan tantangan melewati jalan tol bandara sampe ke Monas yang macet naujubilah.

11. Boykot Amerika !
Emang segampang itu? Kalo Pemerintah Indonesia langsung putus hubungan dgn USA, Indonesia pasti akan mengalami krisis 5x lebih besar dari tahun '97

10. Menghitung kesuksesan pemerintah dari Sembako
Emang sembako mempengaruhi tingkat perekonomian? Dan pemerintah yang tak sanggup mewujudkannya bisa dibilang gagal? Ya enggak lah! Negara mana coba yang bakal nulis HEADLINE news di surat kabarnya: Harga Beras di Indonesia 500/liter

9. Ditipu Orang Asing
Orang asing menipu Rakyat Indonesia dengan pelan, disadari atau tidak. China dengan mengimpor barang sebanyak2nya, Amerika dgn pertambangannya (emang ada orang papua kerja di Freeport? Paling jadi pembantu umum), dan INDIA dengan Sinetron juga Film perusak mental bangsa (Liat aja creditsnya sinetron. Raakhe Punjabi, Gobin Punjabi, Amitabacham (?))

8. Mengutamakan diam itu emas
Liat aja apa yang dilakuin pejabat pejabat. Diem diem, dapet duit. Diem diem, dapet tunjangan. Diem diem, korupsi. Diem diem, bau !

7. Menghalalkan Segala Cara
Mau dapet gelar Doktor dalam 1 minggu? Bisa!
Mau mengetahui keburukan musuh sehari2? Bisa!
Mau ngebunuh siapapun tanpa ketauan? Bisa!
Duit adalah segalanya, Inikah Indonesia? =’(

6. Melakukan Pemborosan di segala bidang
Di bidang media, buat apa PH membuat sinetron sinetron low budget dan low quality (sebut saja = INDOSIAR) Naga Terbang lah, Buaya bunting lah. Mendingan kaga usah buat deh!

5. Pentingan Pulsa daripada Makanan di Warteg
Pengguna handphone di Indonesia tuh buanyaak banget. Dari tukang somay, ketoprak smp presiden. Bahkan ada pengamen yang ngamen cuma buat beli PULSA. Daripada begitu kan mendingan uangnya buat mereka sekolah ato makan!

4. Hobby Telat
Kenapa sih orang Indonesia ini telat semua! Giliran Malaysia SUDAH mengambil Sipadan dan Ligitan kita bekoar GANJANG MALAYSIA! MERDEKA ATO MATI! Lah, emang kemana aja kita pas Sipadan disini? Kita anggurin aja. Dan sekarang Sipadan udah jadi the best dive site in the world ama Malaysia!

3. Terus menaikkan Standar Kelulusan
Dari tahun ke tahun, batas minimal UAN terusss naik. Dari 3.14 ampe besok 5.50. Tujuan depdiknas apa ? Mau memperbanyak ketidaklulusan di bangku sekolah? Standar 3.14 aja banyak yang gagal apalagi 5! Bahkan bisa2 standar naik jadi 7!

2. OSPEK adalah sarana membentuk mental pemimpin ?
nonono ! ospek bisa dibilang cuma sarana para senior buat bales dendam. Kalo uda dipukul, Dimarahin dll terus mau diapain? bunuh? (yang ini gue setuju banget)

1. Banyak Partai = demokrasi ?
Jumlah partai di Indonesia mungkin bisa dibilang TERBANYAK di dunia. Kalau mau dikalkulasiin dari zaman Sukarno sampe SBY jumlahnya berkisar 150. Dari segitu, paling partai besarnya 15, sisanya partai gurem. Buat apa partai banyak2 coba? Manjang manjangin kertas pemilih aja. dan yang jelas buang buang DUIT aje..

sorry yee, gue bukannya menghina gue cuma nge-share keadaan yang dinegara ini..

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Sea Sight of The Greece

Shirley was a beautiful woman of England. Yet, she was not young anymore she was 42 year old already. She lived in Liverpool, the city where she was born.

One summer, her best friend, Jane invited her to go to holiday in Greece. She never goes to Greece, she was curious about that country, so she decided to join with Jane in Holiday.

In the Greece they stayed in a hotel near the beach. There, they welcomed by a friendly man named Costas. He was the manager of the hotel. One evening Shirley went to the bar for some beverage, she found Costas stood there and they begun a conversation.

“You know, I have a boat located near this beach. Actually it belongs to my brother, but if you want, we can go for a ride tomorrow. What do you think?” said The man to her.

“Wow, it would be nice,” she accepted the invitation and she went with him next day. They enjoyed their trip very much, especially Shirley who never sails with a boat.

Actually, Shirley likes the sights of Greece, so after the first trip, she went out with the manager of hotel every day. As usual they swam, sunbathed and spent much time together in the sea. They enjoyed it very much.

The end of holiday came, Shirley had to go back. She was in Airport already but, suddenly she decided to not to go home to Liverpool, her home town. She thought, she wanted to stay in Greece. Then, this girl left the airport and went back directly to the hotel where Costas as the manager.

When she had arrived she saw Costas in the bar with a woman and she decided to hear their conversation.

“Would you like to go for a ride in my brother’s boat?” said costas inviting the woman. But, Shirley didn’t care about that and she came nearer to them.

Costas was shocked when he found Shirley standing beside him and the woman. He was extremely surprise, He got she smiled at him. Costas thought Shirley would angry with him but, she only told her purpose that she was looking for a job in his hotel.

Shirley was not angry when she knew the fact that Costas was a playboy, because She was not in love with that man but, she fallen in love with the Greece and the sea sights of it.

A Couple's Dream

A boy and a girl sit alongside each other on their own chairs, together with tens of other children. They seem to enjoy drawing on A3 paper. On the middle of the blackboard and on the top-right side of every A3 paper there is a text written, "My future". The teacher is going around observing the work of students in the class.

Girl: "Why do you look at me?"
Boy: "I am not looking at you. I look at your picture. Your picture is so beautiful. You are beautiful too."
Girl: "Yours too. Your picture is good. What are you drawing?"
Boy: "I am drawing a robot. I am going to be an engineer. Later I will make robots to protect the earth. Beside The Earth, you will too. Rei, what are you drawing?"
Girl: "I am drawing a house. I want to make a big and nice house. Later grandfather, grandmother, I, and you can play together. Your robot can join too."
Teacher: "Nusa, Rei, Silent please!"
Boy and girl: "Yes, Maaam!"
Nusa and Rei smile to each other. Since then they become friend.

Nusa and Rei graduate from kindergarten together. Nusa and Rei continue their education up to secondary school in the same school. Nusa's father is a successful businessman. Nusa father has successfully developed a small store before Nusa was born to become a large company that has many branches in various areas. Rei lives with her grandmother and grandfather since she was small. Rei's grandfather was a building contractor. Rei's grandfather often go to the building project for a visit or to distribute food. Nusa often invited his father to the company for help. Rei and Nusa are still friends until now. Currently, Nusa and Rei are enjoying their adolescence. They meet, travel, and play freely as if there is nothing that can hinder their happiness.

Rei and Nusa graduate from High School together. Rei and Nusa continue their education to the same university. Nusa chooses the management course because of the advice of his father. Nusa plans to become a substitute for his father in the future. Nusa supports his parents' plan. Rei chooses architecture major, in the different department from Nusa. Rei often debates with her grandfather regarding her duties. Rei is busy with the activities of studies, whereas Nusa is busy with the activities of the organization that he is participating in.

Every night Nusa sends a short message to Rei. Every night Rei also waits for the SMS from Nusa. SMS is becoming their connector when they are busy. On days with spare times, they purposely meet each other to do group activities. Nusa likes to go to electronic equipment store, whereas Rei likes to tour various tourism areas, and they often do both together. Nusa becomes a flower is Rei's life. Nusa decorates Rei's life with laughter, weeping, and memories. Rei becomes the moon in Nusa's life. Rei illuminates the life of Nusa through togetherness, encouragement, and sweet smiles.

Nusa and Rei graduate from university together. Nusa is offered to continue the study by his parents, but Nusa decides to have working experiences first. Nusa gets a job as a marketer in an international bank. Employeed by a bank is a dream for many people. Working in air-conditioned office in the city center with all the facilities and a satisfactory salary. Rei receives scholarships to study abroad. Nusa gives his support to Rei. Rei goes overseas. Initially, Nusa and Rei still send e-mails to each other. E-mails from Nusa contain stories about him and his co-worker, his achievement, and many other things including his boredom at work. E-mails from Rei contain stories about her and her study-friends, photographs, and words of wisdom about enthusiasm for Nusa. As time flies, replies from both Rei and Nusa are slower and slower. Phone calls are also rarely returned. Communication between them rarely happens. Chasm between them becomes wider and deeper.

Two years later they have almost never communicate again. The sun begins to disappear and flowers start to become frail. Nusa decides to quit from his job and applies to a famous overseas private university. Nusa feels very saturated and bored with his job. Nusa thinks that higher level of education will open doors to higher positions, heavier responsibility, wider authority, and a more varied activities. Nusa chooses Masters program in Management. Rei has already disappear from his life. No communication between them has happened for ages. In this lapse of time, Nusa's feeling has never been able to be mentioned.

One night, Nusa packs his stuffs and then he begins to organize the contents of his wallet. He finds a picture of him with Rei that was made in a photo-booth five years ago. In the photo Rei smiles. Nusa is reminded about Rei's smiles that illuminated his day-to-day life in the past. Nusa sends a message to the Rei's old phone number:
> Sir/Madam Rei,
> Congratulations, you won the lottery from Bank X!
> Please contact this number for confirmation.
> Thank you.
Nusa waits for a while and then he saw the message sending report on his phone. The status message indicates that it is pending for delivery. My guess was correct, Rei has not come back. Nusa sees outside the window. There was no moon in that night. Nusa sleeps.

The next day Nusa goes to the airport with his mother and his father's driver. When he arrives at the airport, he is greeted by his friends and colleagues. They chat for a moment, take pictures together twice, and then Nusa says goodbye to all of them. The queue for getting boarding passes is not too long. Nusa's mobile phone rings.

"Nusa, where are you?"
"I have been at the airport, Dad!"
"I bought the executive class ticket for you. Don't accept it if you get the economy class seat."
"Do not worry, Dad. Although they are pretty, the officials are not stupid. I'll check again before go to the boarding room."
"Tuuut..." The phone get disconnected.

Nusa's phone rings again.

"Sorry, Dad, the phone was suddenly interrupted."
"It's OK, can I confirm my lottery prize now?"
"Nusa! Did you forget about me? I am surprised that you have such a short-lived memory."
"Mmm... Rei?"
"I'm your step-sister!"
"Yuck! Peevish step-sister. Where are you now?"
"I just arrived at the airport. This is my father's number."

One hour to departure time. Nusa's heart beats very fast. After getting his boarding pass, Nusa rushes to a fast-food kiosk inside the airport. A girl with long thick black jacket sits sweetly. He approaches her.

"Nusa, did you become taller?" Rei stoods and slaps Nusa's shoulder repeatedly.
"I wear a pair of dress shoes, not light shoes like when we are still in university." Nusa holds Rei's hands and bring her to the seat. "Did you get my SMS?"
"I received it just before I returned here. So, where are you heading to?"
"I am going after you. I am afraid you will be confused. If you stray, how can you ask me for a help there ?"
"Ha. Ha. Ha. I think I am not that worse. Are you really going after me?"
"Yup, but now you are here."
"What major?"
"Management again? Your final-year-project was done together with me. I still remember, if you work alone, you never move forward."
"But I finished it, right? I think I need refreshment. New job, new position, new atmosphere, new challenges."
"Do you like your previous work? As I remember, every time you sent me an e-mail, more than half of the content is your complaint. Reading your e-mail hurts my eyes, so does replying to your e-mail. So I became lazy."
"I was also lazy to receive your e-mail. Photos, photos again. Ten megabytes, twenty megabytes again. My previous job, according to me, was good. I worked in a comfortable place, I could save money, I could have careers, there was nothing wrong. "
"Why did you quit?"
"I felt bored. I felt saturated. I felt tired of working there."
"Or.. did you feel like it is not you?" Rei continued, "Do you remember, the drawing that we did when we were still kids."
"Mmm... you drew a house?"
"And your picture was?"
"Ha. Ha. Ha. It is just our past."
"But it is your dream."

Nusa becomes silent. Nusa remembers about the drawing that himself and Rei made. Rei drew a big and nice house, while Nusa drew a robot. Rei chose to learn architecture with her own volition, while Nusa chose to learn management because of his father's suggeston. Rei will be able to design and realize a big and nice house like her childhood dream. On the contrary, Nusa does not want to create robots, but Nusa is actually interested in electronics. He used to work in banking fields, while his actual interest is all about electronics. Nusa is not interested in marketing, he was more interested in technology and electronic equipment. Now, it is almost time to depart.

"OK, I will reconsider my choice again. Rei, ... Thank You."
"Is it already the time?"
"Yes it is."
"OK, see you again!"

Nusa embraces Rei for seconds but it feels like forever. Rei accompanies Nusa to the departure gate. They are separated again. This time, Nusa leaves Rei. Nusa leaves Rei for his future, but this time Nusa says to himself that - It is never too late to change.
